We are changintg the way communities are built. Forever.

Welcome to Jatra! We are a dynamic team of engineers, designers, and marketers who are deeply passionate about communities. Since 2005, we’ve dedicated our lives to understanding what makes communities thrive. We’re thrilled to pour all our knowledge and expertise into Jatra, a platform that empowers you to create your own white-label community with ease and style.

Our mission

At Jatra, our mission is simple yet powerful: To help you create vibrant communities that people love and engage with. We believe that strong communities are the backbone of a connected world, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.

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of community building experience
18 years
members in our largest community
countries reached

Our values

Team Jatra shares the following values. These are at the core of everything we do.

Be world-class
We strive for excellence in everything we do. Our goal is to deliver top-notch experiences that exceed expectations.
Share everything you know
Knowledge is power, and we believe in sharing it. We foster a culture of continuous learning and collaboration.
Always learning
Curiosity fuels innovation. We are committed to personal and professional growth, always seeking to learn and improve.
Be supportive
We are here for you. Whether you need guidance or a helping hand, our team is dedicated to providing the support you need to succeed.
Take responsibility
We own our actions and their outcomes. Accountability drives us to deliver our best and to learn from every experience.
Enjoy the journey
We love what we do and have fun doing it. Celebrating our milestones and cherishing the journey is part of our culture.